Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wideman Pools, LLC
2565 Hwy 67 So.
Festus, MO  63028
How To Use A Pool In The Fall

Are you thinking about building a pool but worried that you will only get to use it for a few months out of the year? A pool is fun to swim in, but it also is a essential part of your backyard living environment! So, as the temperature outside begin to drop as fall approaches, know that you don't have to shut down your pool for the year. Your pool can be used year ‘round for a number of different activities. 

Make It An Active Pool

Why not extend the life of your pool and go for a swim this fall? Get the heater going for those chillier October days and continue to use your pool before the temperatures dip closer to the freezing point. 

Not a fan of swimming? Then those looking to get a bit of exercise can easily do their very own “aqua-size” or aquatic exercises in the privacy of their backyard. You can use a number of things that you likely already have on hand to enhance your water workout (such as a pool noodle or a milk carton filled with water), or you can purchase floating dumbbells and other pieces to add resistance and increase your strength.

Make It An Party Decorative Area

Pools don’t only need to be used for swimming; they can also be used to enhance the appearance of your backyard at any time throughout the year. One of the simplest and most elegant ways to get decorative with your pool this fall is to create floating paper lanterns. If you plan on having guests over for a backyard barbeque, this will be sure to please. All you need are some lunch bags, sand, Styrofoam and battery-operated votive candles to piece together these easy lanterns. You can even purchase or make lunch bags that match the theme of your special event.


Fire bowls, heat stands and outdoor fireplaces add an ambiance to the pool area.  They provide light and sometime much needed heat.   Have a tale gating party right in your back yard with a big screen TV!

Another great idea to help make your pool the focal point of your backyard is to float flowers in the water. Wider-based flowers tend to work best (such as orchids and gerbera daisies), though you can also purchase silk flowers (these tend to stay afloat better than real flowers).

Lastly, visit your local pool store and see if they have any portable pool fountains that you can use to spruce up your yard. If you’re purchasing it close to the end of summer or in the fall, you may be in for some great discounts.
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Wideman Pools, LLC
2565 Hwy 67 So.
Festus, MO  63028

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Wideman Pools
2565 Hwy 67 So.
Festus, MO  63028

Closing Your Pool

 Pool Closing | Paradise Pools

It is easy to get excited about getting the pool ready for the summer. You've been spending time inside all winter and are itching to get back in the water again. It just isn't as thrilling to close the pool up again when the weather gets cold. However, winterizing a pool is a critical part of pool maintenance. If you want to find your pool in great condition again in the spring, learn how to prepare your pool for the winter


Complete Cleaning
Take an afternoon to clean the entire pool. Remove leaves, bugs, sticks, and other garbage from the skimmer basket and filtration devices. Use a pool vacuum to clean out any garbage that has sunk to the bottom of the pool. 
During this cleaning process, take the time to empty the skimmer basket on a regular basis. This allows the water to flow smoothly from the return back to the pool and maintains a strong vacuum suction to clear out larger garbage. Finish the cleaning process by backwashing the pool to clear out tiny debris.
Chemical Treatment
A pool requires a final dose of chemicals before it is closed up for the colder months. This treatment helps the water get through the winter, leaving it ready for warmer months. Make sure to include a super-chlorinator or check treatment and a dose of algaecide to prevent algae growth during colder winter and spring days. When you've finished with the chemical treatment, do one last check to ensure that the chemicals are balanced.
Accessories Storage
As you consider how to prepare your pool for the winter, don’t forget to consider storage for pool toys and other pool equipment. Rinse off all of the pool toys and deflate them, then store them in a semi-heated area where they will not get brittle.
Detach the hoses from the filter, skimmer, and pool vacuums and drain them completely. Water left in hoses may contract and expand, resulting in cracked or torn hoses. If your pool filter has a winterize setting, turn it on before closing up the pool. Take off the drainage plug or cap to prevent moisture build-up.

Wideman Pools
2565 Hwy 67 So.
Festus, MO  63028
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