Thursday, December 22, 2016

Wideman Pools, LLC
2565 Hwy 67 So.
Festus, MO  63028

What types of dead animals are found in swimming pools?
 Frog pictured using leaf as an umbrella to shield partner from rain ...

Many different types of domestic and wild animals — including skunks, birds, mice, gophers, rats, snakes, frogs, and bats — are commonly found dead in pools.

Do dead animals in pools pose a health risk to swimmers?
Most dead animals in pools do not pose a health risk to swimmers. Many germs carried by animals infect only those animals, though a few of the germs they carry can infect people.
Most germs carried by animals are killed by chlorine within minutes in a well-maintained pool. However, to help ensure healthy swimming in a pool where a dead animal has been found, it is important to follow the simple steps below to remove the animal and disinfect the water.
What should I do if I find a dead animal in the pool?*
Follow these steps to remove the animal and disinfect the water:
  • Close the pool to swimmers.
  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Use a net or bucket to remove the dead animal from the pool.
  • Double bag the animal in plastic garbage bags.
  • Clean off any debris or dirt from the item used to remove the dead animal.
  • Remove gloves and place them in the garbage bags.
  • Close the garbage bags and place them in a sealed trash can to help keep wild animals away from the dead animal.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately.
  • Raise the free chlorine concentration to, or maintain it at, 2 parts per million (ppm); maintain the pH levels at 7.5 or less; keep the temperature at 77°F (25°C) or higher. The free chlorine and pH should remain at these levels for 30 minutes.
  • Confirm that the filtration system is operating properly during this time.
  • Disinfect the item used to remove the dead animal by immersing it in the pool during the 30 minute disinfection time.
*These cleaning and disinfection steps are for animals commonly reported to be found dead in pools. Pre-weaned calves and lambs are often infected with Cryptosporidium, a chlorine-tolerant germ, and could pose a health risk to swimmers if found dead in a pool. After removing a dead calf or lamb from the pool, decontaminate the water by following CDC’s Hyperchlorination to Kill Cryptosporidium Adobe PDF file [PDF - 1 page] procedures.

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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Image result for Signs that say Don't pee in my pool

Wideman Pools, LLC
2565 Hwy 67 So.
Festus, MO  63028

Urine-indicator dye

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Urine-indicator dye is a fictional substance which is supposed to be able to react with urine to form a colored cloud in a swimming pool thus indicating the location of people who are urinating while they are in the pool.  A 2015 report from the National Swimming Pool Foundation called this "the most common pool myth of all time", with nearly half of Americans surveyed by researchers believing that the dye existed.
Rumors of this chemical's existence go back at least as far as 1958 and the story is commonly told to children by parents who do not wish them to urinate in the pool. A 1985 biography of Orson Welles describes him using such a dye as part of a prank in 1937,[ and references to the substance can be found through popular culture over quite a lengthy time period. However, such a dye does not exist, and although a chemical could be manufactured that would react with urine, it would be difficult to prevent it from reacting to other organic substances present in pool water.
A few companies capitalized on this urban legend by creating professional pool signs that warned that the pool was indeed being monitored with the chemical called "wee alert" or a similar catchy name.

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