Wideman Pools
2565 US Hwy 67 South
Festus, MO 63628
Does there happen to be an ideal temperature for a swimming pool? It would mostly depend upon the area you live in and what type of temperature range you are most comfortable with. However, there are also temperatures that most people are comfortable with and the range is generally between 72-83 degree Fahrenheit, though some people prefer a cooler or warmer temperature for their own personal preference.
For those who have an outdoor swimming
pool, the ideal temperature range will vary considerably and go according to
the outdoor temperature. There will be no need to add a swimming pool
heater because it will serve no constructive purpose. However, some
homeowners add a swimming pool heater if they live in an area that experiences
evening and nighttime temperature fluctuations. It depends upon whether
or not the homeowner prefers to swim in the evening and wants to adjust the
water temperature to suit their comfort level.
It is important to keep in mind that
adding an outdoor swimming pool heater will also affect maintenance
responsibilities. At higher temperatures, a swimming pool will experience
water evaporation at a much higher rate and this also equates to a larger
buildup of solid deposits. Having a higher water temperature can also
lead to sanitizer burning off more quickly and algae and bacteria also build up
more quickly in warmer temperatures. There is more lime and scale
build-up as well and exercising in warmer water is not as comfortable in the
high heat.
Even without manually adjusting
temperatures in the swimming pool which will affect the water. A person
may need to adjust the pH factor and alkalinity levels to compensate for
differences in the saturation level of the swimming pool. When the
weather gets colder, increasing the alkaline levels in the swimming pool will
help maintain the saturation index. In warmer weather, reducing the
alkaline level in the swimming pool will help keep the saturation levels consistent.
Whether or not there is actually an ideal
swimming pool temperature remains a matter of perspective. While some
people prefer their swimming pool water to be ice-cold, others prefer a warmer,
more soothing temperature for their pool. Whatever is decided, is a
matter of personal preference and will allow a person to enjoy their swimming
pool and all it has to offer.
Wideman Pools
2565 US Hwy 67 South
Festus, MO 63628