Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wideman Pools, LLC
2565 Hwy 67 So.
Festus, MO  63028

What Life Guards look for in Passive Drowning to Normal Swimmers.

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While performing patron surveillance (usually from an elevated stand or a water-level standing or sitting position) lifeguards watch for and recognize struggling or drowning swimmers, and swimmers with sudden medical conditions such as a stroke, heart attack, asthma, diabetes, or seizures. Lifeguards look for swimmers in various categories and conditions:
  1. Passive drowning victims are inactive in the water, submerged or otherwise. When a lifeguard sees this kind of swimmer he/she performs an emergency rescue.
  2. Active drowning victims are taking in water while attempting to stay at the surface. Lifeguards look for swimmers in this condition by looking for arms moving or flapping laterally (in an effort to press down on the water and leverage the head above the water's surface), not necessarily flailing, with the body vertical and no supporting kick. This behavior is known as the instinctive drowning response.  Lifeguards perform an emergency rescue to assist this kind of swimmer as their behavior results from being incapable of more active efforts to survive. They may be less than 20 – 60 seconds from sinking underwater.
  3. Distressed swimmers are having trouble swimming, perhaps from fatigue, and may or may not be calling out for help. Lifeguards usually swim out and help these swimmers to the side. They may or may not require additional assistance.
Normal swimmers (Healthy swimmers) are those who do not need any support and can swim on their own doing intermediate strokes.

The Wideman Pool Team

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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Wideman Pools, LLC
2565 Hwy 67 So.
Festus, MO  63028


Pool Safely

Staying safer around the pool only takes four simple steps! Gather the kids and/or Grand kids around the computer to watch the Lorie Berker video on teaching children Pool Safety. 

The Wideman Pool Team

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