Wideman Pools
2565 US Hwy 67 South
Festus, MO 63628
Swimming Pool Alarm - How to Have
Peace of Mind About Your Swimming Pool When No One's Around
By Larry
Summer is here and this means going swimming,
especially to kids. Unfortunately there are not as many swimming holes as we
used to have, so people are turning to pools - usually in their own yard.
And with the price of gasoline skyrocketing, more and
more people are staying home and are getting swimming pools in their yard to
have a vacation at home.
Yes, swimming is a lot of fun and it's great exercise.
But pools can also be very dangerous because of the threat of drowning,
especially to children.
Did you know that drowning is the second leading cause
of unintentional injury-related death of children?
It only takes about two minutes without oxygen to lose
consciousness and within four to six minutes without oxygen, a child can have
irreversible brain damage.
Does that get your attention? Good, because the way to
ensure that kids are safe in and around a swimming pool is to have complete
supervision when they're swimming.
But what about when your pool is 'closed' and no one
is allowed to swim because there is no adult supervision? How can you be sure
that no one tries to sneak in for a swim?
Now there's a gadget called a Pool Alarm that can be
turned on when your pool is closed. The Pool Alarm comes with a remote receiver
which can be placed in your home up to 200 feet from the main unit that is
placed at the pool side.
The Pool Alarm can be a life saver because it is
mounted to the side of the pool and has an electronic sensor that detects any
agitation in the water other than ripples caused by the wind. When triggered,
the Pool Alarm will give off a very loud noise around the pool as well as at
the receiver placed inside your home.
That means that if the Pool Alarm detects any splashes
in the water (other than those caused by wind) it will set off the alarm. Now
if one of your children or anyone else tries to sneak a swim in your pool -- or
even if your dog falls in -- then the alarm will notify you so you can get to
the pool immediately. Then you can yell at the kids and explain how dangerous
it is to swim alone.
If you have a pool in your yard you have to always be
on the alert so that no children are swimming unsupervised. You also want to be
assured that no one is in or near your pool without your knowledge. A Pool
Alarm is your first line of notification that someone is fooling around in your
One other thing -- make sure you instruct everyone in
your family and in fact, everyone who uses your pool about safety. There are
good signs available that you can place near your pool with swimming rules.
Remember, Safety First and Don't Be the Next Victim!
If you'd like to know more about the Pool Alarm that
will give you peace of mind, please visit http://www.feelsafeandsecure.com/pro1259478.html
Larry Zolna is a writer for the website Feel Safe
and Secure and has written numerous articles about Home Security Products,
Self Defense Products and Wireless Hidden Cameras. For more information about
these products, please visit http://www.feelsafeandsecure.com
Wideman Pools
2565 US Hwy 67 South
Festus, MO 63628

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