Sunday, December 10, 2017

 Image result for del ozone

2567 Hwy 67
Festus, Mo  63028

What is Ozon?
There is still some confusion surrounding the science behind ozone and UV systems, even though these two water sanitation processes have been available for a while. When the two are combined to form the newest innovation – Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) -- there can be even more confusion. AOP has been around for more than 30 years in the wastewater-treatment world, but has only recently become an affordable option for aquatics facilities and residential pools. In order to fully grasp AOP, one must first understand the nature of ozone and UV – as well as their performance.
What is Ozone?
Ozone (O3) is a gas that can be created inside a chamber by passing oxygen through either a light energy field (called UV ozone) or an electrical energy field (called CD ozone). The ozone generator uses either light or electrical energy as well as oxygen from the surrounding air. Regular oxygen molecules (O2) get split into two individual atoms (O1) when this kind of energy is added. The O1 atoms then unite with other oxygen molecules (O2), which produces O3. The only difference between ozone generated by light energy vs. electrical energy is the quantity -- electrical generation produces higher ozone output.

When dissolved in water, ozone will kill pathogens and microorganisms, destroy organics and inorganics, and also will break down chloramines through oxidation. The oxidation reaction happens when an ozone molecule collides with an oxidizable substance, such as algae, bacteria, sweat, urine, mold spores, and protozoa, which then causes the weakly bonded third oxygen atom to split off. During this reaction, organic molecules are destroyed, and dissolved metals become insoluble. The leftover byproduct is O2, which capably reduces chlorine consumption by 50-75 percent.
Ozone is a significantly stronger oxidizer than chlorine, and is able to kill chlorine-resistant cryptosporidium parvum. It’s an antimicrobial oxidizer that is a sanitizer and a disinfectant, which is highly effective in removing biofilm. Ozone also is an impressive microflocculant. It clumps organic and inorganic contaminants together during the oxidation process so they’re more easily removed by the filter.

The Wideman Pool Team

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Wideman Pools, LLC
2567 US Hwy 67
Festus, MO  63028
7 Unexpected Gifts To Get For Swimmers and Pool Owners
 Image result for holiday gifts for swimming pools

Pool enthusiasts are not usually afraid to buy the things that they want, to make their pool a backyard paradise, and that can sometimes make it difficult to find a gift for them.
Luckily, there are tons of ideas that they may not have even thought of yet. Here are some great pool accessories, technologies, and innovations that you can get for your pool loving friend this year!
Personalized Swimming Pool Décor
One of the great things that comes with online shopping is the ability to buy customized products. From pool signs to personalized to nautical accessories. Etsy is a great site to check out if you want a unique, personalized accessory that can be used to decorate a pool owner’s backyard.
Water Proof Speakers
Waterproof, Bluetooth speakers are a great addition to any pool. It is a safe way to listen to your favourite music without having to worry about splashing and cannon balls. Want to take it a step further? Get them a floating Bluetooth Speaker that can be put right into the pool! Some floating speakers even let you listen to music underwater!
Underwater headphones
Does your friend like listening to music while they swim but doesn’t want to make everyone else listen to it as well? Invest in a set of underwater headphones for this year’s gift. Not only is it super useful, they will be entirely unexpected!
Floating Cooler
When you’re enjoying yourself in the pool, getting out to grab a drink can be monotonous, especially on a windy day when the chill hits you! But, if you buy a pool owner a floating cooler, they will no longer have to step out of the pool to take a drink or get a refill.
Plus, you will get to use it when you come over on the weekends! Which kind of makes it a gift for you!
Remote Control Toys
Remote control pool toys are a fun way to repurpose your pool. There are tons of great options available from sail boats, to offshore boats to hydrofoils. You can even find motorized pool toys that fly as well, making them great even when the pool is closed!
Inflatable Theater
This isn’t exactly for the pool but it will make your friend’s backyard experience even better. Keep in mind that this gift can get expensive fast, especially if you are supplying the projector and speakers as well. But, if you are looking for a big surprise, this might be it!
Chlorine Removal Shampoo or Spray
This might not be the most exciting gift but it is very practical, especially for someone who spends a lot of time caring for their hair. Not only will these products help their hair smell better, it will help prevent any adverse effects associated with chlorine, such as turning blond hair green!
HeaterReader™ is a SMART pool device that retrofits to any pool heater or pump. It will let your friend control their pools heater and pump from anywhere in the world. That means no more crawling behind bushes to change the temperature. It also means that they will no longer get into the pool only to find out their heater wasn’t working. The HeaterReader™ will let them know when something is wrong.  
And, best of all, it will help them save money on their energy bill, meaning that this is a gift that keeps on giving.

The Wideman Pool Team

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Monday, October 16, 2017

Image result for fall pools

Wideman Pools, LLC
2567 Hwy 67
Festus, MO 63028


*Most pools will be on sale or at least the pools that are in stock

*Fencing may also be on Sale

*The ground is typically dry in the fall thus faster installation

* You have more time to complete your landscaping

*You will have your pool builder’s undivided attention

*Time to plan you parties for the upcoming season

* Beat any price increase for next year

* Be ready to swim when the season begins

If this was helpful please click “Like” & "Share" with family & friends.


The Wideman Pool Team

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Wideman Pools, LLC

2567 Hwy 67
Festus, MO  63028

 Image result for kids swimming

Swimming Has Many more Advantages than A Recreational Activity

Swimming is a great way to kill time on a hot day and there are so man games, activities and pass-times that swimming is essential for. Whether you are attending a pool party, spending a week on a cruise or boating at your cottage, being able to swim means that you can do more and enjoy it further.
But, swimming isn’t just a fun pass-time, it is a great way to stay healthy!
It Increases Flexibility
Swimming will by no means make you a contortionist, but it will help you stay flexible. When you swim, you are stretching and twisting various muscles which helps them remain limber.
It’s a Great Work Out
Swimming provides you with a full body workout that strengthens everything from your core to your arms and legs. This is because you are constantly moving and are using almost every muscle – your legs are kicking, your arms paddling your back is twisting with each stroke and your core is tightening, to keep you afloat and move more effectively.
Best of all, it is more comfortable than working out on land because you are less likely to overheat and there is no sweat involved.
It Improves Your Heart and Lungs  
The Technical Reason - Like any aerobic exercise, when you swim, your muscles need more energy. A key component in generating that energy is oxygen, which is delivered through your bloodstream. As a result, when you use your muscles more vigorously, your lungs work harder to increase your oxygen intake and your heart rate increases so that your heart can deliver the right amount of oxygenated blood. When this happens, you are strengthening your heart and lungs as well as improving your circulation.
The Simplified Reason – Aerobic exercises, like swimming, make your heart and lungs work harder which strengthens them and makes them more efficient.
It Relieves Stress
Exercise, in general, is good for your mental well-being as it releases endorphins which are a feel-good chemical your brain produces. On top of this, swimming has meditative qualities - the rhythm of your strokes and breathing along with the sound of water, can further add to a feeling of peace and relaxation.
No wonder people love swimming!
Nothing beats jumping into a pool that is the perfect temperature, for a relaxing and healthy swim! 

The Wideman Pool Team

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Wideman Pools, LLC
2567 Hwy 67
Festus, MO  63028

Image result for hayward are salt generators winterized

How To Winterize A Salt Generator
The method for winterizing a salt generator pool is not that different from a regular pool. In areas where winter is extreme and a hard shut down is used, the pool should be using winterizing chemicals. The salt generator should be deactivated and in some cases disassembled and stored for the winter. Check with the generator manufacturer for specific winterizing instructions. In some areas a complete shutdown may not be necessary. In these areas you would simply turn down the hours of filtration operation and reset the generator to run in accordance with that schedule — typically this is 2 hours. For winter water temperatures, there should be sufficient chlorine produced from the unit in two hours a day.

Knowing he underlying water chemistry in pools is a key component to making sure that salt generators work properly.  In a salt chorine pool, keeping the phosphates low is the secret to letting the free chlorine flow!
The Wideman Pool Team

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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Wideman Pools
2567 Hwy 67
Festus, MO  63028

How to Winterize your Cartridge Filter
At the end of the season, pool owners have a golden opportunity to use the down time to deep clean cartridge filters ahead of next season   
1. Hose off the filter
Using a standard garden hose, rinse off the filter from top to bottom. (Pre-treat with a little D.E. in our cartridge filters, which makes the dirt come off a lot easier.)
Never pressure-wash the filter, as the bands holding the pleats in place can snap under pressure. Should this happen, the pleats will collapse on themselves, reducing the surface area of filtration.
2. Soak the filter
After hosing down the cartridges it is important to put the filters through a soaking process. This can be done using 55-gallon plastic drums to allow the filters to soak overnight in muriatic acid and a filter-cleaning agent, which is available from most pool stores.
3. Repeat soak
Once the filters have soaked overnight, lightly rinse the filters and place them in a fresh water drum to soak again. Once finished, an optional liquid chlorine bath can be performed to brighten and lighten the filters.
By doing this final soaking so they look nicer and last longer. In some cases, these soaking procedures may need to be repeated depending on how dirty the filter cartridge is.
4. Air dry
Once the cartridge is clean, it is best to let the filter cartridges air-dry before using them again. Allowing them to dry completely gives the cartridge time for the fibers to fluff back up, which is important because the fibers need to expand to be effective. If not, they can be pushed down easily, which reduces the filter cycle.
It is recommended the pool owner have two sets of cartridges. This allows the pool owner to continue using their pool while the other set is being cleaned.

It’s best to do this when you close the pool for the season.  The process is important to also inspect to ensure that the filter media isn't ripped or torn.  
The Wideman Pool Team

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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Wideman Pools, LLC
2567 US Hwy 67
Festus, MO  63028
636-931-POOL (7665)

How to Detect A Failing Pump and Prevent It.

Pool pumps use a lot of power and create a lot of heat for normal operation.
The four reasons pumps fail are: Friction, Lack of Airflow, Suction-Side Restrictions and Pressure-Side Restrictions.
They are also in direct heat during the hottest time of the year, thus a higher potential to over heat
Pumps can overheat in two ways, electrical problem or friction.  However, the lack of water or drawing to much current is the greatest potential for fire.
A simple test to see if you pump is running hot is to put your hand carefully on top of the motor.  If it is so hot you cannot rest your hand on it most likely is a failing pump.
Another symptom of a failing pump is if the pump won’t turn off.    That may last for a few days and could go on for up to a year.

The best way to prevent this is with proper care and maintenance!
Hope this is helpful.

The Wideman Pool Team

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