Sunday, December 10, 2017

 Image result for del ozone

2567 Hwy 67
Festus, Mo  63028

What is Ozon?
There is still some confusion surrounding the science behind ozone and UV systems, even though these two water sanitation processes have been available for a while. When the two are combined to form the newest innovation – Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) -- there can be even more confusion. AOP has been around for more than 30 years in the wastewater-treatment world, but has only recently become an affordable option for aquatics facilities and residential pools. In order to fully grasp AOP, one must first understand the nature of ozone and UV – as well as their performance.
What is Ozone?
Ozone (O3) is a gas that can be created inside a chamber by passing oxygen through either a light energy field (called UV ozone) or an electrical energy field (called CD ozone). The ozone generator uses either light or electrical energy as well as oxygen from the surrounding air. Regular oxygen molecules (O2) get split into two individual atoms (O1) when this kind of energy is added. The O1 atoms then unite with other oxygen molecules (O2), which produces O3. The only difference between ozone generated by light energy vs. electrical energy is the quantity -- electrical generation produces higher ozone output.

When dissolved in water, ozone will kill pathogens and microorganisms, destroy organics and inorganics, and also will break down chloramines through oxidation. The oxidation reaction happens when an ozone molecule collides with an oxidizable substance, such as algae, bacteria, sweat, urine, mold spores, and protozoa, which then causes the weakly bonded third oxygen atom to split off. During this reaction, organic molecules are destroyed, and dissolved metals become insoluble. The leftover byproduct is O2, which capably reduces chlorine consumption by 50-75 percent.
Ozone is a significantly stronger oxidizer than chlorine, and is able to kill chlorine-resistant cryptosporidium parvum. It’s an antimicrobial oxidizer that is a sanitizer and a disinfectant, which is highly effective in removing biofilm. Ozone also is an impressive microflocculant. It clumps organic and inorganic contaminants together during the oxidation process so they’re more easily removed by the filter.

The Wideman Pool Team

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